
Proventeq is a global leader in content productivity services. It is a specialist provider of solutions for ECM platform modernisation, AI-powered information management, and innovative digital experiences.


A 4 Million dollar pipeline projection on the Microsoft Marketplace.

Rakesh is the CTO and Co-Founder of Proventeq. He currently leads product innovation and for a range of products and services for M365 and Azure, including use of AI solutions to add value to the platform modernisation journey for 365 customers. Proventeq is a global leader in content productivity services. It is a specialist provider of solutions for ECM platform modernisation, AI-powered information management, and innovative digital experiences. Focused on Microsoft 365 and other latest technologies such as AI/Machine Learning. They offer services that help global customers accelerate growth, work smarter, and improve digital enterprises. Proventeq is recognized as a Microsoft Preferred Partner in Content AI.

With WeTransact and the Microsoft Marketplace, Proventeq

- Became transactable on the Microsoft Azure Marketplace in a short span

- Opened new channels into procurement of large enterprises accounts with ability to decrement MACC

- Has a $4 Million dollar pipeline projection with the Azure Marketplace.