
Visionairy delivers AI-driven visual inspection technology to over twenty factories and nine industries across Europe.


Visionairy sees its first €36,000 on Azure Marketplace with WeTransact.

Visionairy delivers AI-driven visual inspection technology to over twenty factories and nine industries across Europe. The company’s two AI vision software products – Visionairy Lab and Visionairy Run – provide a single cloud-based solution for user-friendly development and deployment of computer vision on the factory floor.

Microsoft apps – especially Teams – dominate the manufacturing market in France, so it made sense for Visionairy to create new sales channels on the Azure Marketplace. For that, Visionairy sought the expertise of marketplace expert Johan Aussenac and the team at WeTransact.

“We found WeTransact to be a perfect partner for approaching – and accelerating – our go-to-market on Azure Marketplace.” - Daniel Blengino, CEO & Co-founder, Visionairy.

Towards co-sell opportunities with Microsoft

Visionairy’s products are built on top of Microsoft technology for two reasons. One, it provides a secure, scalable, and powerful platform. Two, many of the factories in France use Microsoft Teams, and have an account with Microsoft. For those reasons, adopting a co-sell strategy – working with Microsoft sales teams and partners on joint selling opportunities – made total sense. 

Even for cutting-edge tech companies, getting listed and transacting on the Azure Marketplace is not straightforward. It’s a jungle. Visionairy needed to understand how to move smartly on the marketplace. For that reason, it sought a strong technical partner who could quickly create a viable, new sales channel. That partner was WeTransact.

Transacting in just two days 

Getting listed is just the first step on the marketplace. Adding business value to that listing requires a clear go-to-market strategy. WeTransact helped set up the listing, and create visibility through an SEO-optimized strategy. The other key aspect to the Azure marketplace is helping customers to transact.  

For Visionairy, this was further complicated because one of their first buyers was seeking a CapEx solution, not a subscription-based OpEx agreement. Thankfully, WeTransact CEO & Founder – Johan Aussenc – helped guide the buyer through each step on the marketplace. The process was fast and efficient. 

In fact, within two days, the first offer was closed. The following week, a second offer was closed, largely facilitated by the documentation created by Johan for the first customer. Within days of getting listed on the marketplace, Visionairy made its first two transactions to the sum of €36,000. 

Their first buyer was transacting on the marketplace for the first time. For that reason, Visionairy was pleasantly surprised at how quick and efficient it was to do business on the marketplace. That said, it’s still early days, and the company anticipates needing further expert support from WeTransact to get future deals over the line with the same level of smoothness. 

On the road to closing more offers

“We’re really happy to work with WeTransact. Johan Aussenac is the right person to understand what we need. He understands our offer, and the right strategy to implement.” - Daniel Blengino, CEO & Co-founder, Visionairy

Visionairy is confident that in WeTransact it’s found a reliable partner for accelerating sales on the Microsoft Azure Marketplace. The road is long, and the company is developing a strategy to reach its goal of transacting more than €100,000, and reaching IP Co-Sell status.  

With revenue of €36,000 already banked, WeTransact has helped Visionairy make that all-important first step toward future possibilities on the marketplace. For Visionairy, it also brings them one step closer to a relationship with Microsoft. With the help of WeTransact, the company hopes that the Azure Marketplace will become a primary sales channel. 

Visionairy is also looking to land and expand into other markets – including Italy, Germany, and Austria, as well as the US. Its Azure marketplace listing provides a great platform for making this happen. 


Discover how WeTransact can help your SaaS product thrive on the Azure Marketplace. Talk to us today.