Julia Do Prado
Head of Marketing

Launch on Microsoft Marketplace with confidence with Cloud Contracts 365. Create a custom terms and conditions contract that actually fits your business, in just two easy steps!
Your product is ready, your Marketplace launch is just around the corner, and you’re so close to hitting “publish.” But hooooold up. There’s one last box to tick: your terms and conditions.
Sure, you’ve got the product description, the media, the pricing plan - all the fun stuff. But here’s the deal: you can’t sell without a solid contract to make sure everything runs smoothly. And let’s be honest, you’re not a legal expert, and your team probably isn’t either. You can try to craft custom agreement, but you might end get stuck in a slow, expensive legal process.
You could just go with Microsoft’s standard terms and conditions, too. But there's a problem. Those are very generic. They don’t know your business, how it operates, or the exact way you want things to work. Only you do. And, be careful here- you might realize later that they don’t fully protect your IP or align with their liability terms.
Once you set your T&Cs, you can’t change them. So getting it right the first time is everything.
So, what do you include? What’s legally required? How do you make sure you’re covered?
That’s exactly where Cloud Contracts 365 comes in. We’ve partnered up with them to make creating your T&C's super simple. No stress and absolutely no legal headaches.
And the best part? It’s done in just 2 easy steps.
Step 1: Make Your Contract with Cloud Contracts 365
Step 2: Upload Your Contract
Your T&Cs shouldn't be just a checklist item. They’re key for giving you peace of mind when making business on Marketplace. They protect you, set the rules, and ensure everything runs smoothly with any customer deals, or partners you choose to work with.
Using Microsoft’s default terms might seem the easiest route, but they might not fit your business like a tailored contract does. This is your chance to set the rules your way with expert advice from Cloud Contracts 365.
Still Not Convinced? We get it, legal stuff can feel hard. That’s why we sat down with Kim Simmonds, CEO at Cloud Contracts 365, to talk about why having a reliable, tailored agreement on Marketplace is one of the most important things for your business. Check out our this quick interview where she breaks it all down in a super simple, and easy-to-follow way. Watch it now!
Ready? Publish and Sell on Marketplace with confidence.