Hit the Jackpot with Microsoft Incentives

Hit the Jackpot with Microsoft Incentives

Our playbook, "Hit the Jackpot with Microsoft Incentives," is your incentives go-to guide for the fiscal year 2024-2025. We understand that it can be confusing, so we'll break down everything you need to know in an easy-to-understand way. We'll cover what the incentives are, how to qualify for them, and tips to make the most out of them. Ready to cash in? 💸

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What’s inside

  • Marketplace Transact and Grow Incentive: Discover how to earn cash by selling on the Marketplace. We’ve got all the details, dates, and exact dollar amounts for you.
  • ISV ACR Growth Incentive: How to get cash back on consumption in Azure, with examples to show you just how much you can make.
  • Marketplace Rewards: Learn about the rewards you can achieve by hitting sales milestones in the Marketplace.
  • Azure Migrate and Modernize and Azure Innovate: Discover how to get your projects financed at zero cost. Let us show you how.
  • How to Qualify: Step-by-step instructions on how to become eligible for each incentive.
  • Maximize Your Earnings: Tips and tricks to squeeze the most profit out of each of the incentives. 

    Last fiscal year, WeTransact helped tons of ISVs cash out more than $3.000.000 in incentives. Ready?

Hit the Jackpot with Microsoft Incentives