Say hello to Cash!

Microsoft Marketplace go-to-market strategy. Know exactly where your money is.

Show me the money!

Publish, manage, and build a go-to-market strategy for your SaaS products. With simple tools, we'll mix advice and data to show you exactly what you need to do to bring revenue to your listings.

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Get the most of Microsoft's Ecosystem

Ensure all Microsoft Partnership Criteria are met. Build and establish a strong partnership with Microsoft to co-sell, grow and receive cash incentives from their rewards systems.

Image of a white circle with one quarter filled in blue

Easy peasy - no tech involved

With the dashboard, you will build and manage your product listings easily, including adding your marketing materials, legal information, and pricing. It's that simple.

Image depicting two hands shaking as a match

You have match!

Connect with the right customers, resellers and target all your sales opportunities with a Top-notch Go-To-Market advice that will elevate your sales game.

Online Presence Assessment
Listing optimization

Hit the spotlight.

Optimize your listing on the Marketplace to hit the spotlight fast and generate more leads. It all starts with the Online Presence assessment, where you will know all the areas of improvement of your channels.

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Co-Sell with Microsoft

No blindspots - Go grab the money where it is.

Know who to target when selling on the Marketplace. Tap into a list of +20k accounts that have high intent on buying on the marketplace. Filter by size and industry to find your low hanging fruits and collaborate fast with Microsoft.

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Target Customers
Match with Resellers WeTransact
Ramp up with Resellers

Level-up on your sales game.

Connect with your partner's CRM, share pipelines and match all the common opportunities in between. Now you know exactly where to put your efforts in order to maximize your sales.

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Ready to get the most out of Microsoft's Ecosystem?

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